Our team of dedicated Community Care volunteers are matched one-to-one with clients, taking into account shared interests and goals. We currently have some 207 volunteers providing support to over 250 clients in the South Australian community.

St John SA Community Care has a range of social support services that are funded under the Commonwealth Home Support Program, Community Visitors Scheme and South Australian Home and Community Care program, as well as privately funded options. You can view a description of our services below.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions and precautions, Community Care service provision has been adapted where necessary to protect and support our most vulnerable community members.

To register as a client:

  1. Contact the Client Services Coordinator on (08) 8306 6933
  2. Discuss your eligibility for the services you require
  3. Receive information about subsidised services and referral pathways

You can also click here to submit an online enquiry.

Become a Community Care volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering with the Community Care program, find out more on our Volunteering page.


Community Transport Program

Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)

Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS)

Accompanied Activities

Social Outings

Tailored Home Visit

Treasured Stories

Specialised Services